Officials said it had been a year or two since the bird was last seen in Texas. 492 has been spotted several times in Wisconsin, Louisiana and Texas, sometimes with other wild flamingos. While the other flamingo was never seen again, No. Employees had not yet clipped the birds’ wings to prevent them from flying, which facilitated their escape. The bird and another flamingo escaped from the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita on a stormy night in June 2005. 492 because of the number on its leg band. The flamingo has been nicknamed Pink Floyd but is officially known as No. Pink Floyd is a local Texas flamingo that escaped a Kansas zoo in 2005 and has been seen on the Texas coast for several years.Posted by Coastal Fisheries - Texas Parks and Wildlife on Friday, March 25, 2022
Looks like Pink Floyd has returned from the 'dark side of moon'! Spotted at Rhodes Point in Cox Bay near Port Lavaca by David Foreman on March 10.